
Our farmers

"The farm is facing up to the high level of social responsibility that comes from sharing tap water for irrigating vegetables with the surrounding communities and households. With RiverFox, we hope to optimize our irrigation processes while further improving our environmental impact."

Daniel Schumacher
Schumacher Gemüse, Köngen, 60 ha

"In 2023, we irrigated field section A as before and field section B strictly according to RiverFox. While the result of the scoring was virtually identical, RiverFox significantly reduced the effort required to organize and control the irrigation.
The software was also easy and intuitive to use.
We are therefore planning to use RiverFox for the entire breeding station in Dannstandt Schauernheim in 2024.
In addition, communication with the RiverFox team was fast, uncomplicated and went smoothly."

Mark Treiter - Test manager
Enza Zaden, Dannstadt-Schauernheim

"We grow around 350 hectares of vegetables with more than 20 crops and irrigate with pipe irrigation and sprinklers. [...] RiverFox helps us to improve our work processes and save water in the future."

Rui Dodat
Grafenländer Gemüse, Freisbach, 350 ha

"Some of our fields are very far apart. It is therefore difficult to keep track of soil moisture and precipitation over such a large area with such different regions. RiverFox enables us to get a quick assessment without having to drive to the individual fields every time."

Tjorben Bautz
Marco Jostmeier farm, Delbrück, 65 ha

Our partners

We used RiverFox to irrigate a celeriac crop in a field trial at LVG Heidelberg in 2023. The app is very clear, easy to use and generates irrigation recommendations without a lot of input. [...] We are very satisfied with the result and will continue to use RiverFox for our irrigation decisions in the coming season based on our experience and the simplified irrigation planning."

Dr. Thorsten Bornwaßer
Research assistant in the field of vegetable growing technology at the staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau (LVG) Heidelberg

"In my irrigation trials in maize cultivation, the analyses of RiverFox clearly demonstrated the real differences in irrigation requirements for the various maize varieties. The results and the professional cooperation convinced me, so that we are now entering the third season with RiverFox [...] The alternatives available to us so far are expensive and only measure locally."

Dr. Martine Schraml
Research assistant at the Augustenberg Agricultural Technology Center

"This is also possible for specific sections of the field and, above all, without additional sensors in the field. This is exactly what is interesting for our customers, in addition to recording consumption quantities."

Mark Auerbach
Irrigation technology customer service at Regner- und Stahlbau Wriezen GmbH

"RiverFox [...] seems suitable for planning my field inspections better in advance. Not only does it allow me to look at individual crops in a more targeted way and check the condition of the fields better, but it also gives the farmers clearer advice based on the individual areas."

Max Schliemann
Agricultural consultant of NüPA GmbH

"Right from the start, we were impressed by's expertise in data science. As a reliable partner, they have enabled us [...] to achieve strong technical scaling. [...] We chose because they have also independently developed and built their own solutions for data pipelines and data infrastructure through their research work. [...] This has made our in-house data pipeline more modular and technically more fault-tolerant. This means we are well equipped for the future and can react flexibly and quickly to market requirements."

Maximilian Veith - Head of Development | Digital EcoSystems
TRUMPF Machine Tools SE + Co KG

The trade press (about the predecessor WaterFox)

Irrigate fields more efficiently

"Precise information about the condition of plants and soil helps to initiate effective measures against drought damage [...]. The startup [...] brings precise data about the situation in the field to the farmer's smartphone." App detects impending disease infestation in arable crops

"Precise information about the condition of plants and soil helps to initiate effective measures against drought damage [...]. The startup [...] brings precise data about the situation in the field to the farmer's smartphone."

Using AI to Save Water in Agriculture

"The "WaterFox" Smartphone App Made by KIT's Startup Helps Farmers Irrigate Their Fields More Efficiently - New Interactive Video of the Series "Sachen machen mit KI"
